Advertisers and Agencies

Just about every industry has been impacted by the explosion of information outlets made possible by the Internet, cable television and satellite radio stations. Advertising is certainly no exception. The pressure is greater than ever to effectively develop and strategically aim an advertising message to ensure the greatest possibility that it will hit its mark and bring back results.

Advertisers and agencies understand that it is vital to evaluate the value and return on every advertising dollar they spend. The experts at SoonerPoll know how to measure public awareness of a product or service within the Oklahoma market. Some of the objectives our research can accomplish include:

  • Providing statistically valid measurements of advertising awareness and recall
  • Conducting solid evaluations of how a product or service is perceived compared to its competitors
  • Monitoring the impact advertising has on a brand over time
How well do you know your audience?

Advertisers know how vital it is to understand the habits, preferences, needs and opinions of the market at whom their advertising messages are aimed. If your target audience is Oklahoma, SoonerPoll is the researcher that can provide the most dependable results – results that can facilitate a variety of applications, such as:

  • Guiding the creative process behind development of the ad
  • Determining the most effective placement for the ad
  • Carrying out a final analysis of the ad’s impact on its target market
Reputation and Branding.

How well does the audience know the company, its product or its service? A company’s reputation comprises both the emotional and factual attitudes toward that company within its market. Branding, on the other hand, refers to the market’s attitude toward the product or service the company provides.

Research from SoonerPoll can answer many valuable questions about reputation and branding. The results of our research can help advertisers determine how to capitalize on a client’s reputation and branding strengths, overcome any weaknesses and craft an advertising message that reinforces the public regard sought by the client.

Why Oklahoma Advertisers and Agencies trust SoonerPoll.

We developed our own cutting-edge statistical method for conducting research – its effectiveness is proven again with every project we complete. We handle every facet of every project we conduct, unlike our competitors, who may outsource some of the most sensitive aspects of a project.

SoonerPoll is the only researcher whose focus is exclusively Oklahomans. We know your audience and we know how to reach them. The analyses we provide for advertisers and agencies allow them to develop a greater understanding of the values, preferences and opinions of the Oklahoma consumer.