Majority of Oklahomans Believe Neither Trump nor Biden Should be Indicted in Document Scandals

It would appear there isn't a majority of likely voting Oklahomans who believe that keeping classified documents is a big deal for either former President Donald Trump or President Joe Biden.
As previously posted, there is not a majority of Oklahomans who believe Trump should be either indicted or not indicted, but the same is true for Biden as well after classified documents have been found in various locations dating back to his tenure as a Delaware Senator and as Vice President.
[QUESTION] "President Joe Biden for alleged violations with regard to classified documents kept at his residence in Delaware and other places."
- Should be indicted once he leaves office 43.3%
- Should NOT be indicted once he leaves office 33.8
- Don't know 22.9
It should be noted that the two questions were not asked identically because a sitting president cannot be indicted.
Nearly 62 percent of Republicans believe Biden should be indicted with nearly 18 percent believing he shouldn't be indicted once he leaves office. Among Democrats, 59.4 percent believe he shouldn't be indicted and 12.4 percent believing he should. Nearly half (49.8 percent) of Independents believe Biden shouldn't be indicted, but 27.7 percent believes that he should once he leaves office.
Among current Republicans who say they were once registered Democrats, a higher percentage, 65.7 percent, believes that Biden should be indicted and only 16.9 percent didn't know, which was the lowest amount of "don't know" among all of the different groups of political party identification.
A strong majority, 72.1 percent, of those who identify as very conservative wanted to indicted Biden, with a slight majority, 51.7 percent, of those somewhat conservative joining them. Naturally, those who identify as liberal were overwhelmingly against an indictment. Moderates were divided with 43.5 percent wanting Biden indicted and 32.1 percent opposing it. Both "somewhat categories," those either conservative or liberal, were the ones most likely to answer "don't know" to a possible Biden indictment.
There was a plurality of likely voters in all of Oklahoma's five congressional districts, except for the Oklahoma City 5th, that wanted Biden to be indicted once he leaves office, but not a majority, showing large divisions on the issue. The largest plurality (49.1 percent) was in the more rural 2nd District. The 5th District, which is mostly Oklahoma City, was at near parity with 39.9 percent not wanting a Biden indictment and 38.3 percent wanting one.
A majority did not exist among men or women to indict Biden, but there was a plurality for both, with men roughly five points more likely to indict Biden than women (45.5 to 41.6 percent).
Young likely voters were the least likely age group to want a Biden indictment once he leaves office, with the level of indictment support increasing with an age group increase. Nearly half (49.5 percent) of those over the age of 65 believed Biden should be indicted when he leaves office.
About the Poll, Oklahoma’s public opinion pollster, asked these questions of Oklahoma likely voters.
The scientific study was conducted from June 1-4, 2023 with 302 likely Oklahoma voters selected at random statewide from SoonerPoll's proprietary online panel. The sample was weighted by education, age, and congressional district in order to reflect the Oklahoma likely voter population for a general election. The weighting was conducted using a 'layered technique.'
The sample reflects the traditional demographical profile of the Oklahoma likely voter with roughly half of respondents identifying as conservative and nearly a third identifying as Moderate. The study has a Margin of Error (MoE) of ±5.65 percent.
A complete description of the methodology can be found here.