More Than Two-Thirds of Oklahomans Oppose Drag Shows in Public Places

According to the most recent SoonerPoll Quarterly Poll, 66.5 percent of likely voting Oklahomans oppose drag shows when the performance could be seen by children under the age of 12.
The question asked of respondents included a definition of drag shows and examples of public places.
[QUESTION] "Do you SUPPORT or OPPOSE the public display of DRAG SHOWS, a form of entertainment performed by drag artists with men dressed as women and vice versa, where CHILDREN under the age of 12 may be present at schools, libraries, or other public places?"
- Strongly support 20.0%
- Somewhat support 8.2
- Don't know 5.4
- Somewhat oppose 9.2
- Strongly oppose 57.3
More than 86 percent of Republicans strongly opposed drag shows being performed in public places such as schools or libraries, but nearly half, 47.6 percent, of Democrats strongly supported it. Another 20.5 percent of Democrats somewhat supported it, bringing the total combined support among Democrats to 68.1 percent. Nearly half of Independents supported public drag shows with 43.6 percent strongly supporting it and 4.6 percent somewhat supporting it.
While 96.4 percent of those who classify themselves as "very conservative" strongly opposed public drag shows, 33.2 percent of moderates also strongly opposed with another 21.7 percent somewhat opposing them. The total combined opposition among self-described moderates was 54.9 percent. Liberals, however, strongly support the public display of drag shows in front of children, with 82.3 percent of self-described "very liberals" strongly supporting it, and another 12.1 percent somewhat supporting it. That puts the combined support of drag shows in front of children among the very liberals at a whopping 94.4 percent.
Majorities of opposition were found in four of Oklahoma's five congressional districts with the Fourth District at the lowest combined opposition at 51.8 percent.
Men were more likely to strongly oppose drag shows in front of children at 61.1 percent than women who strongly opposed it at 54.3 percent.
Young voters were much more likely to strongly support the public display of drag shows in front of children. More than 65 percent of those under the age of 35 strongly supported it, while only 4.8 percent of those over the age of 65 did.
About the Poll, Oklahoma’s public opinion pollster, asked these questions of Oklahoma likely voters.
The scientific study was conducted from June 1-4, 2023 with 302 likely Oklahoma voters selected at random statewide from SoonerPoll's proprietary online panel. The sample was weighted by education, age, and congressional district in order to reflect the Oklahoma likely voter population for a general election. The weighting was conducted using a 'layered technique.'
The sample reflects the traditional demographical profile of the Oklahoma likely voter with roughly half of respondents identifying as conservative and nearly a third identifying as Moderate. The study has a Margin of Error (MoE) of ±5.65 percent.
A complete description of the methodology can be found here.