News9/Newson6: Education Tax Gaining Support
Oklahoma is losing teachers at an alarming rate, with class sizes growing and programs dropped.
“If you want to improve this state, if you want to move it forward in what do you invest? Education is at the head of the list,” said OU President David Boren.
That's long been the message of OU President David Boren. He's leading the charge for a new one-cent statewide sales tax dedicated to education with about 60 percent going for teacher raises. The plan is to bypass lawmakers and go straight to the people with a ballot question next year.
Link: Toplines and Crosstabs
Our exclusive new statewide News 9 Poll shows Oklahomans like the idea.
We asked nearly 800 likely voters if they "support or oppose a one-cent tax to fund education including raising teacher pay, improving reading, stopping tuition increases and expanding career training."
Continued – Click here to read the entire Newson6 article