Still One-Third of Oklahomans Believe the Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation

There is still one third of likely voting Oklahomans who believe that the now-famous unclaimed laptop owned by President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is Russian disinformation, even though these claims have been disproven. The New York Post first ran with information found on the laptop prior to the 2020 election, but the mainstream media did not, relying on a letter signed by 50 former intelligence officials claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation.
Since the 2020 election, a handful of left-leaning media outlets have confirmed or verified that emails released from the laptop are, in fact, real including The Washington Post, The New York Times and Vox, among others.
For comparison, a similiar question was asked nationwide of over 1800 registered voters by the Harvard Harris Poll in February, and in that poll 60 percent believed the laptop was real.
[QUESTION] "Do you think that the Hunter Biden laptop is REAL, or is it RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION?"
- It is real 66.7
- It is Russian disinformation 33.3
While 91.1 percent of Republicans believed the laptop was real, only 27 percent of Democrats did and 43.2 percent of Independents. Over 96 percent of those who identify as "very conservative" believed the laptop was real along with 59.7 percent of self-identified moderates, but only 23 percent of those who identify as "very liberal" believed the laptop was real.
Amazingly, the higher the education of the respondent, the more likely they are to believe the laptop is Russian disinformation. Just four percent of high school graduates believe the laptop was Russian disinformation, but 48.1 percent, or nearly half, of those with a post graduate degree still believe it is Russian disinformation.
About the Poll, Oklahoma’s public opinion pollster, asked these questions of Oklahoma likely voters.
The scientific study was conducted from June 1-4, 2023 with 302 likely Oklahoma voters selected at random statewide from SoonerPoll's proprietary online panel. The sample was weighted by education, age, and congressional district in order to reflect the Oklahoma likely voter population for a general election. The weighting was conducted using a 'layered technique.'
The sample reflects the traditional demographical profile of the Oklahoma likely voter with roughly half of respondents identifying as conservative and nearly a third identifying as Moderate. The study has a Margin of Error (MoE) of ±5.65 percent.
A complete description of the methodology can be found here.
Photo from the New York Post